Monday, July 14, 2008

Ruston Artists Exhibit at New Orleans Musuem of Art

"Scribes N0. 451 and 452" by Robert Berguson, Louisiana Tech University School of Art professor emeritus, is now on display at New Orleans Museum of Art.

Louisiana Tech University School of Art professor Marie Bukowski and professor emeritus Robert Berguson are part of a memorial exhibition at the New Orleans Museum of Art that honors the late Cole Pratt, a Crescent City gallery owner.

"A Tribute to Cole Pratt: His Gallery's First Fifteen Years, 1993-2008" features 29 artists that Pratt fostered.
Bukowski's "Capsule No. 20" and Berguson's "Scribes No. 451 and 452" are included. The exhibition runs through Sept. 21.

Robert Coleman "Cole" Pratt Jr., a loyal friend and longtime supporter of the New Orleans Museum of Art, died unexpectedly April 19. A native of Mississippi, Cole was well known for the Magazine Street gallery he opened in uptown New Orleans.

More information about the exhibit and about the NOMA can be found at